Mar 2016
#NamecardYourStory: Thy Dowager
1. Who are you, and what have you been doing?
I am Peggy Heng, also known as, Thy Dowager and have been working on my new venture, Flaunt Talent! However, I am also doing many things such as dee-jaying, hosting and also being a blogger @ thydowager.com. I have been busy for the past year building different aspects in my life. Of course, have been travelling a lot too, life has been exceptionally fulfilling.
2. What’s your occupation?
Most people know me as a DJ & a blogger, but I own many other different businesses:
Talents/ Influencers: Flaunt Talent
Marketing & Branding: Dowager
Events Company: Glitz & Co
3. What is the story that you would like to share most with others?
This is something most people do not know about me – it is the life away from the internet sphere. It is the hard work behind all the things that I have worked on and have built over the years. Though it may look simple on the outside, but it framed me to the person I am today. So the story I would like to share is about my life & my journey.
Coming from an average background, I was driven by the thought of earning more money to bring back home. I started working when at a young age of 13 (but I also know of females who started younger than that) – it started off with events: I partook as an IT show girl, huge MNC events & many more. It was extremely eye-opening experience for me to be speaking to people who were already experienced in the line of work that they were doing. It opened up more areas of opportunities in my life even though the money that I earned was not enough. However, I started recognizing my own flair being a great conversationalist and the ability to adapt to situations. I started pursuing for things that were more challenging and in that journey, I started out by working in an MNC – being a Forex broker. It was one of the most interesting journey, it was the mark of knowing how far my adaptability could stretch and the ability to work in any trade I was placed in. But, politics in that same firm bore me and I moved on to being a blogger at the age of 21 – it ignited a passion inside of me, and am glad it is still burning inside of me. Blogging was something that helped me express who I was as a person within and I hope that the people who have been with me on this journey has learned a little more about themselves through me.
Aside from that, I have been working on a certain skill set – deejay-ing and it was one of my greatest life choices because I enjoy music so much. It excites me every single time I am on set and to be in the moment, immersing in the energy.
4. What makes you happy & why?
It is the satisfaction of working towards a goal everyday, and making money at the same time (who does not) – and of course, travelling. Being able to travel and to be able to do the things that I want is a luxury that anyone needs to work hard for. It took me many years of work before I got to where I want to be. So I am very satisfied, (maybe not enough) but good enough for now.
5. What do you look forward to everyday?
My dog, Duffy. Okay, my passion – definitely.
6. What are you looking forward to this year?
To grow a lot more as a person within and to be able to learn more and be more exposed to the world that I have not seen.
7. What is the best advice you have ever received, and what was the worst?
The best – life is too short, just go for it
The worst – stop being a bimbo (reason why it is the worst, sometimes it is okay not to be so smart all the time)
8. What would be your best advice for others?
Do not be afraid to be yourself, and chase for what you want – smartly. Do not let someone dictate your life.
9. How do people contact you if they would like to engage your services or ask you some questions?
They can drop me an email: contact@thydowager.com
Find me on my website: www.thydowager.com
Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/djdowager