May 2016
Q: Who are you, and what have you been doing (currently for the past 3 months, any projects you are working on, travelling)? A: Zheng Libin Managing EZBBQ and mommy of 3 boys
May 2016
Q: Who are you, and what have you been doing (currently for the past 3 months, any projects you are working on, travelling)? A: I’m Angie Loke. I’ve been busy getting back into the swing of corporate life, after maternity leave and an extra 2 months of no-pay leave. Work has been busy! Plus starting our baby on solids, but not starting with the usual cereals – so that requires
May 2016
Thinking of designing with us? Refer to the table below for our design rates!
Apr 2016
Name cards are no longer just a card where vital business information is being shared. Some businesses have taken a step further in their name cards that some are even more than just a name card. Here are some multipurpose name cards for you that we found interesting.
Apr 2016
1. Who are you, and what have you been doing (currently for the past 3 months, any projects you are working on, travelling, been in a relationship)? Karen lai, the principal of SAUCE Academy. We are working on coming up with courses that can benefit the working class and people who wants to upgrade their skills. 2. What’s your occupation? (If you own a business, please do elaborate